Wednesday 9 December 2009

The Quest for Noah's Ark

George and I snuggled up to watch a TV programme on Quest. It was about a quest for Noah's Ark, a guy looking to prove 3 things. Did Noah exist? Was there a flood? Was there an ark? Was my faith going to be shaken, would George ask questions but the more I hear the more my faith is affirmed. I am strangely excited about the possiblity of Noah being a Neolithic man. A man touched by God even before man could speak properly, someone who new the importance of this awesome diety that is God. I am excited about the Old Testament, the story behind my faith, the prophecies of the coming of our Lord. I am desparate to find out more. How and when God's words were put down, by whom and what was their relationship with our Father in heaven. The more I learn, the more I am blown away by the hugenss of God's intervention in the Cosmos, from the largest planet to the smallest microscopic life. It's all there the Alpha and the Omega, the begining and the end, who was and is and ever shall be. (Rev 1:8).
The guy in the programme interview an archeologist, he said Noah was probably a seer, a shaman, tribal leader, but in my book, no. He was an ordinary man who walked with God, not like the others worshiping other gods and spirits. He worshiped the one true God. He was a righteous and humble man, his position in life granted by the grace of God, not elevated to the height of a leader or king by man, but saved by the almighty God.
Like David, like Mary and Joseph, like me and you, an ordinary man, faithfull and called by name before birth. Loved by Him, cared for by Him, He only wanting the best for us as we do our own children.
He has called us by name and we are His (Isaiah 43:1) if only we would look to Jesus and recognise it. Knock and the door will be opened, seek and you will find (Matt 7:7) When our eyes are opened his word takes shape, it has meaning, it helps us in our struggles, guides us and shapes us. To those who refuse to look it is foolishness, to us, the breathe of God, our living waters from which to drink. (John4:14) Come, rest in His arms, drink of that water, thirst no more, all you have to do is see Him.

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