Thursday 12 April 2012

Bullying has to stop!

For two years my son has been bullied at school for being "different"! He doesn't like football. He likes music and reading and Street Dance. He's not fat but tall for his age and like my daughter well built. But the "normal" sized kids laugh at him and call him fat!
He doesn't fit into the round hole that society would like him to fit into.
He's a Christian and strong in his faith and his understanding of it, but that was wrong to despite going to a C of E aided school.
He's not a genius but he's not thick, academically he's doing OK so he ticked the right boxes and was offered no help. In fact at the last parents evening we were told he had no friends to go up to senior school with in September that his best bet was to keep his head down and survive the next term until he could go up to senior school and make a fresh start.
Emotionally he is raw and hurt by his experience, he is being to exhibit behavioural problems which is not helping his situation so we have taken him out of school to home educate him for a while.
We know he needs to socialise and have avenues for that, we are more than capable of helping him learn but why has it had to come to this. What is wrong with the system that can only deal with round pegs for the round holes, if you have the slightest rough edge are you destined for the scrap heap?
Thankfully my son has caring parents and supportive doctor who has pointed us in the right direction to get our son the help he needs. We are hopeful and excited about his new school in September and are going to work with them to in his transition from year 6 to 7!
Watch this space I don't think this will be the last we here of George!


  1. Sarah, So good to see you have a blog! Your son is so blessed to have caring parents who will go the extra mile and love him through all the hurt. You are priceless!! You're in my thoughts and prayers,

    1. Thank you so much for your comments Laura, George has been homeschooled since Easter and is much better and stronger now. He is due to start senior school in Sept. Whilst being at home he passed a Street Dance exam, Grade 1 music theory and raised over £160 for MS whislt breaking a world record with over 800 drummers in Manchester. Please could you continue to pray for him for Sept to find lots of new friends xxxxx
