Friday 24 September 2010

How do you turn it off?

Is it a coincidence that we are to live for 3 score years and 10? I have to write a 3000 word essay on a bible passage and one on an introduction to youthwork. My biggest worry is how to do it that few words lol!
I'm thinking of doing a passage from Isaiah 43 which is great as it will follow nicely after studying the Historical Books of the Old Testament but now my little brain has gone into over drive. I tried to go for a ride on my horse to get some down time and all I kept thinking about was the Israelites in Exile for guess what 70 years (that's 3 score years and 10 isn't it)?
We are in exile, aliens in a forgein land, sent here to as Rob Bell puts it to "live between the trees". That's the tree of life in Gen and the one in Revelation. We're here to make the best of where we are living as were the Israelites in Babylon.

Anyway this is a thought in process.

I have been to Uni this week on Monday we did Intro to Youthwork which was interesting. We look at the history of youthwork and models of how to do it, I was pleased to see that we at the abbey have a good model. Then on Tues we did Biblical Studies , yes, all day!! We learned about Exegesis and Hermaneutics and practised it on the Good Samaritan.

If anyone has any tips on switching off the brain for 5 mins though it would be much appreciated. Perhaps now I have put it down in writing it will help :)

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