Sunday, 5 December 2010


Why did Jesus have to come, why did God have to send him.
The Israelites were God’s chosen people, they were special. They were to be saved in a world that was broken. Since the fall in Genesis man kind was destined to die but they were the chosen ones. All they had to do was live according to the laws and they would be fine. Did they? No. Time and time again God tries to rescue them, he sends Moses, Joshua, prophets to warn them like Isaiah and Jeramiah and finally he sends Jesus. In order for God to talk to us he becomes human “incarnate” he takes on human flesh, lives among us, finds out what are issues are, shares with us and tries to lead us forward “he is the way the truth and the life” It’s no longer just about the Israelites, the have had there chance, this is bigger this is the start of the healing of the whole of creation, of us.
Look at “Shibboleth” made in the Tate Gallery. In Judges 12 the word is about racisms, it’s about everything that is wrong in the world. Image the “good image of the garden of Eden, Adam and Eve going about their business looking after the world and then she ate the apple and the crack in creation appeared! Creation is cracked, it has been since Adam. Jesus is the repair but not a quick fix. If you have a hole in the wall, if I was to bash through a wall and then just wallpaper over it how long would the repair last?
No, Jesus is filling the crack from the bottom up. What is at the bottom a young person asked? Death, Jesus went into the bottom of the crack and defeated death and began the rebuild by his resurrection. We are called to join in to help fill the gap, some to mind the gap, some to show people the other side and bring them to God, bridging the gap. It’s a work in progress that’s why some people are healed and others aren’t, that’s why things are still going wrong it’s the now and the not yet, the repair is taking place around us, we can be part of it.
To quote Eleanor Mumford “We have had D Day, the war is won but we are waiting for VE Day, Victory on Earth day.
How do we see evidence of the repair?
How can we be part of it?
What does it look like and where do you stand?

Monday, 29 November 2010

The end of Term 1

Well I have reached the end of my first term in one piece just about. I have just submitted both my essays, 1 on Biblical Studies an exegesis and hermeneutics on Isaiah chapter 43 and 1 on youth and community work an analysis of my agency and my own practice. I have also written 6 journals and 1 directed task. It's been quite a journey for me and my family. To be honest we have struggled so please keep us in your prayers.

The young people I work with are growing in their faith and I think the level of teaching I am doing is growing. They are doing things like blessing their school with chocolate and thinking of how to serve in the community, we're hoping to go bag backing at Christmas. SiB (or what used to be CU) is growing and new people are coming to this and Trax. God is great and I pray for the new and the old yps in both these groups as well as Pipeleine who I sit in with occassionally. I also have two new volunteers as well as my good pal Simon.
I have the priveledge of having Dave Wiles from the Frontier Youth Trust as my tutor and he and Paul Tilley continue to advice me and make me reflect and think hard about what I am doing and why.
My health is holding up although sitting for long periods of time is telling on my back so prayers for healing and to help me be less tired would be great.

Things are really moving at a pace, next year I look forward to working in my alternative practice agency at Malmesbury School and I've just found out about another amazing Godincedence in the work that Iain is doing and a chance that more paths my cross for the Lord and more opportunities to reach out to the yps on the edge of society. Flippin eck watch this space guys!!

Thanks for your prayers and good wishes.

Friday, 24 September 2010

How do you turn it off?

Is it a coincidence that we are to live for 3 score years and 10? I have to write a 3000 word essay on a bible passage and one on an introduction to youthwork. My biggest worry is how to do it that few words lol!
I'm thinking of doing a passage from Isaiah 43 which is great as it will follow nicely after studying the Historical Books of the Old Testament but now my little brain has gone into over drive. I tried to go for a ride on my horse to get some down time and all I kept thinking about was the Israelites in Exile for guess what 70 years (that's 3 score years and 10 isn't it)?
We are in exile, aliens in a forgein land, sent here to as Rob Bell puts it to "live between the trees". That's the tree of life in Gen and the one in Revelation. We're here to make the best of where we are living as were the Israelites in Babylon.

Anyway this is a thought in process.

I have been to Uni this week on Monday we did Intro to Youthwork which was interesting. We look at the history of youthwork and models of how to do it, I was pleased to see that we at the abbey have a good model. Then on Tues we did Biblical Studies , yes, all day!! We learned about Exegesis and Hermaneutics and practised it on the Good Samaritan.

If anyone has any tips on switching off the brain for 5 mins though it would be much appreciated. Perhaps now I have put it down in writing it will help :)

Sunday, 19 September 2010

First days

Well I have done "freshers" week, made lots of new friends and good news some of the folk are "mature" like me. It was a tough week with loads of info and very intense but fun. Tomorrow is my first day actually at the college for lectures.
When asked how I felt I said and I quote "my head is exploding but I have an underlying sense of peace" lol!

Look out as I drive to Bristol tomorrow!

Love Sarah

Monday, 13 September 2010

Starting CYM

Hi folks, haven't written for a while but so many people are asking about my course and how it's going I thought I would start this blog.
I have completed the Trinity College Open Learning course on the Historical Books of the Old Testament. I had to sit an exam which was kind of tough but I got through it. I did write to many words though but we will see how it went!
This week I begin my 3 year degree course "Youth and Community and Practical Theology". This week I have to go on some community days with all the other students so please pray for me and my family who are home alone! Well Iain's there but you know what I mean.
On Monday next week I have my first day at CYM. The plan is to take Mondays and Tuesdays as study days whether I am at the college or at home. As well I this I will continue to work 14 hours at the abbey including some work at the local youth developement centre. I am also very excited to have Dave Wiles from Frontier Youth Trust as one of my tutors. They work with young people at risk.
I have just written 1000 words on my expectations and calling and my first 500 words essay on a book called "Dibs".
I will try and let you know how I get on and how I might grow in my faith so watch this space!

Love Sarah

Monday, 11 January 2010

Romans 11 v 33-36

We live, we are. God guides us through the Holy Spirit. He knows what is in store for us, He has a plan for our lives. We have a decision to make, go it alone, do what we want and try and make it on our own. Yep, we can do drugs, we can have sex with loads of people, we can treat people as we want to, not even God can stop us, but will we find peace? Not the peace that comes when two countries stop fighting, but true Shalom, God's peace. Will it bring us joy and happiness? Yes probably, some of it will be a laugh, good times, out on the pull, drinking, falling down in the gutter, in fact once I was a tomato but in the end it's temporary.

Peace comes when we truly trust in the Lord, when we take time to listen, when He inspires us and we wait on Him. Not stressing but quietly resting in His arms, trusting. A lesson I learnt whilst driving along, frustrated at the second tractor I'd got stuck behind when I remembered someone saying, if God needed me there early I would be, if it was OK to be late then that was OK to. I needn't waste my energy getting stressed. I sat back and eased my foot of the accelarater and relaxed.

That's what we need to do with our lives, chill out! Give it to God, he'll tell us when to go and at what speed. His timing, His work, His plan.