Sunday 5 December 2010


Why did Jesus have to come, why did God have to send him.
The Israelites were God’s chosen people, they were special. They were to be saved in a world that was broken. Since the fall in Genesis man kind was destined to die but they were the chosen ones. All they had to do was live according to the laws and they would be fine. Did they? No. Time and time again God tries to rescue them, he sends Moses, Joshua, prophets to warn them like Isaiah and Jeramiah and finally he sends Jesus. In order for God to talk to us he becomes human “incarnate” he takes on human flesh, lives among us, finds out what are issues are, shares with us and tries to lead us forward “he is the way the truth and the life” It’s no longer just about the Israelites, the have had there chance, this is bigger this is the start of the healing of the whole of creation, of us.
Look at “Shibboleth” made in the Tate Gallery. In Judges 12 the word is about racisms, it’s about everything that is wrong in the world. Image the “good image of the garden of Eden, Adam and Eve going about their business looking after the world and then she ate the apple and the crack in creation appeared! Creation is cracked, it has been since Adam. Jesus is the repair but not a quick fix. If you have a hole in the wall, if I was to bash through a wall and then just wallpaper over it how long would the repair last?
No, Jesus is filling the crack from the bottom up. What is at the bottom a young person asked? Death, Jesus went into the bottom of the crack and defeated death and began the rebuild by his resurrection. We are called to join in to help fill the gap, some to mind the gap, some to show people the other side and bring them to God, bridging the gap. It’s a work in progress that’s why some people are healed and others aren’t, that’s why things are still going wrong it’s the now and the not yet, the repair is taking place around us, we can be part of it.
To quote Eleanor Mumford “We have had D Day, the war is won but we are waiting for VE Day, Victory on Earth day.
How do we see evidence of the repair?
How can we be part of it?
What does it look like and where do you stand?