Monday 11 January 2010

Romans 11 v 33-36

We live, we are. God guides us through the Holy Spirit. He knows what is in store for us, He has a plan for our lives. We have a decision to make, go it alone, do what we want and try and make it on our own. Yep, we can do drugs, we can have sex with loads of people, we can treat people as we want to, not even God can stop us, but will we find peace? Not the peace that comes when two countries stop fighting, but true Shalom, God's peace. Will it bring us joy and happiness? Yes probably, some of it will be a laugh, good times, out on the pull, drinking, falling down in the gutter, in fact once I was a tomato but in the end it's temporary.

Peace comes when we truly trust in the Lord, when we take time to listen, when He inspires us and we wait on Him. Not stressing but quietly resting in His arms, trusting. A lesson I learnt whilst driving along, frustrated at the second tractor I'd got stuck behind when I remembered someone saying, if God needed me there early I would be, if it was OK to be late then that was OK to. I needn't waste my energy getting stressed. I sat back and eased my foot of the accelarater and relaxed.

That's what we need to do with our lives, chill out! Give it to God, he'll tell us when to go and at what speed. His timing, His work, His plan.